Get Involved

Donate & Sponsor

If you would like to contribute a monetary or in-kind donation, this option is for you. Any and all donations are welcome. Donations are also accepted via Cash App $MunceBlackExpo and state that it is Juneteenth Muncie Sponsorship.

Above is our description of the tiered donations that qualify each contributor as a sponsor of Juneteenth Muncie 2024. The benefits of each tier are listed. Please complete the electronic form or print the PDF form and mail to the address listed below.

All checks must be made out to:

Indiana Black Expo, Inc. Muncie Chapter

Juneteenth Muncie 2025 (in the memo line)

P.O. Box 4152

Muncie, IN 47307

Mail to: Juneteenth Muncie, PO Box 4152, Muncie, IN 47307

Click HERE to complete the form!

The Deadline to Sponsor is MAY 9TH 2025.


Volunteers are essential to the success of the event. Volunteers are needed for set up, the duration of the event, and tear down. Shifts are available to choose at your availability and stations will be assigned. All volunteers will receive training, including a free CPR & First Aid course.

Anyone age 15 and older may volunteer - Children under 18 will need a parent to sign their waiver.

Community Table

Whether a large organization or individual business owner, community tables are an opportunity to provide a service to the community. By choosing this option, you are agreeing to provide either information, free goods, and/or services at the Juneteenth Muncie event. These tables must run from 2pm to 6pm and must be set up completely between 10am to 1pm on the day of the event. All community tables are required to donate a prize for raffles. There is no fee to register.

Registration closes May 1, 2025.


Any person(s) or business wishing to sell goods or services at the Juneteenth Muncie event must apply to be a vendor. Vendors do not have a time requirement - you may stay as long as you like at the event; HOWEVER, you must be set up between 10am and 1:00pm. No vendor set up will be allowed after 1:00pm. If you require special space or equipment (i.e. require a large trailer, etc) you may be required to arrive early. The costs for vendors is as follows:

  • Food Vendors: $75; $100 after March 1; This includes the $25 park fee. You must contact the Board of Health before submitting a form to the Juneteenth Committee for vendor approval.

    • Food and Beverage vendors only:  You are required to obtain a Delaware County Board of Health Department Food Vendor’s Permit – (vendor’s responsibility). Must be obtained before May 1st.

  • Non-Food Vendors: $50; $75 after March 1; This includes the $25 park fee.

*All vendors are responsible for providing their own electricity                                                                                                          

**All vendor slots will be assigned by Muncie Juneteenth

*** Only ONE business/vendor may register per registration. In the past, we have allowed businesses to combine however this is NO LONGER allowed. Each registration will receive an individual registration and assigned spot in the park. If you would like to be located near another vendor, please leave that comment in your registration. Non-registered vendors will be asked to leave.

While vendors can sell Juneteenth printed items, Juneteenth Muncie does not give permission for vendors to sell, give away or make t-shirts, hats, or other items using the Juneteenth Muncie logo. Vendors who violate this request will be asked to leave the event and no refund will be offered.

All applications fees are NONREFUNDABLE. Registration closes May 1, 2025.


Any person(s) who are politically affliated and would like to promote for their office and/or election, MUST apply for a spot on Politician Row. We will not allow promotion outside of the Politician Row area.

  • Politician Row $75 ; $100 after March 1- This allows your campaign an up-close and personal opportunity to connect with a diverse audience. All political booths must be set up between 10a to 1 p.m. and while you are welcome to attend the entire celebration, we ask that your booth is staffed from 2-7 p.m.

  • Sponsorship - This option would allow you to have a political booth and a sign posted in Politician Row. Please visit the Donate & Sponsor section at the top of this page for more details.

All applications fees are NONREFUNDABLE. Registration closes May 1, 2025.

Stage Performer

If you are interested in performing, please complete this short form and our one of our committee members will follow up with you and will provide an estimated stage time. Our main stage performers should be ready to hit the stage between 4-6 p.m. Please check in to the stage MC when you arrive (near the DJ booth).

***Please remember Juneteenth Muncie is a Family-Friendly event and we are unable to welcome stage performers who have vulgar, explicit or "suggestive" lyrics.

Performances may include but are not limited to:

  • Dance

  • Song

  • Rap

  • Spoken Word/Poetry

  • Musical Instrument

  • Comedian

Unsure of exactly HOW you want to participate, or wanting to be involved into multiple areas? You may also complete our general interest form below!